The combination of the image of Jesus Christ with the four geometries of the fruit of life.
- Order number: SW10001
Eckhard Weber
We are expanding our series of energy cards with the Weber-Isis® Christ-Card. We use for the Christ-Card a painting which has the face of Jesus Christ after the Turin Shroud as a model. In addition, we have placed the geometry of the "Fruit of Life" and the "Flower of Life" in the four corners, each surrounded by a purple halo. Jesus of Nazareth was the first human being in the evolution of the earth who, through his maturity of soul and spirit, was able to transcend the Divine entirely into a physical human being. He is therefore rightly called the "Son of God" or the "Christ" and he therefore serves us as a great example of what a human being can achieve here on Earth. We are all, strictly speaking, sons and daughters of God, it's just that most have completely forgotten that, unfortunately. (Jesus Christ said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, Luke Gospel 23:34).
Weber-Isis® Christ-Card
Prof. Dr. J.J. Hurtak of the "Academy of Sciences for the Future" describes in his book " The Keys of Enoch" (self-published) the following about the term "Christ" on page 571: "Christos as the Anointed = the Father's Son, who begins, realizes and completes the Father's Divine Plan in the worlds of Adam Kadmon. In terms of the physical eternity universe, the Christ is the redemptive vehicle which makes God's children equal partners in the anointed sonship of light, wholly empowered for spiritual work in the Father's dwelling worlds of the Higher Intelligence. For those who were affected by the Fall, the Christ comes to restore the lost image and likeness and to open the threshold gates to the real robe of light which man must put on if he is to reach the level of the original Adam Kadmon. Through the incarnate Christ we receive a new relationship with the Father. Since we are brothers and sisters of the Son, we are sons and daughters of the Father. Inasmuch as God has His dwelling in us through the Holy Spirit, we rise to the dignity of sonship because we have the Son Himself in us, to whom we are transformed in His Spirit. By rising to the boldness of our own witnessing, we say, "Abba, Father!" (See Hebrews 2:10 - 11)
The Shroud of Turin, which serves as the model for the image on the Christ Card, is in itself a great mystery, and to this day it cannot be clearly determined how this imprint on the linen came to be. In the meantime, however, it has been recognized as "genuine", see the book by Tibor Zelikovic: "Ascension - The Birth of a New Humanity", Freya-Verlag KG, with a DVD "The Shroud of Turin - The Proofs of Authenticity".
Application example 1: Weber-Isis® Christ-Card in the shirt pocket for the unfolding of heart qualities.
Application example 2: The Weber-Isis® Christus-Card can also be placed on problem areas and it can possibly also release blockages.
The image of Jesus Christ on the new Christ Card looks directly at us with its blue eyes. It also seems to address us formally directly, although his mouth is closed in the picture. On the one hand, his gaze is very determined, but on the other hand, it is also afflicted with forbearance and gentleness at the same time. His image speaks to us as if to remind us who we really are and what our task is here on this planet. The new Christ card conveys very mild qualities such as love, charity, compassion and mercy. We have placed the geometry of the "Fruit of Life" and the "Flower of Life" in each of the four corners of the Christ Card, representing the four cardinal directions of North, East, South and West. The number 4 also stands for the 4 faces of God. The geometry of the fruit of life probably has a special property: it can help us to transform ideas into reality, i.e. into matter. It can help us to make things come true more quickly, things that previously existed only in our imagination as an idea or as a vision of the future. The violet color from the halo of rays of the fruit of life can serve as an additional transformational force, possibly to further support and accelerate the process just described.
Application example 3: Weber-Isis® Christ-Card in the trouser pocket for the energetic support of the 1st and 2nd chakra.
The combination of the image of Jesus Christ with the four geometries of the fruit of life and with the additional violet halo can support us to better absorb the energetic impulses and probably to integrate them faster and more effectively into our everyday life than was previously the case. The Christ Card can probably help us to always remember and also live our basic Christian values such as love, charity, compassion and mercy in these difficult times, even if this is not always easy in the current chaotic times.
Application example 4: The Weber-Isis® Christ Card can also be placed under the cup of the orgone emitter for information transmission.
Fields of application: For presumed energetic enhancement, the Christus-Card can be placed under food and drink for a few minutes. It can also be placed on the wooden stand of the Isis-Beamer or under the cup of the Isis orgone emitter for information transfer. The Christ Card can also be placed on problem areas, and it may also be able to clear blockages. For aura protection, the Christus-Card can also be carried in the wallet, shirt pocket or jacket pocket.
Application example 5: The Weber-Isis® Christus-Card can also be placed under a cup or glass with drinks, and can possibly make them more digestible.
Application example 6: The Weber-Isis® Christ-Card on the Weber-Isis® Beamer Rose Quartz. (Model 1:3 gold-plated)
Application example 7: The Weber-Isis® Christus-Card on the stand of the Weber-Isis® Beamer (Model 1:3 gold-plated)
The Christus-Card does not replace all other Weber devices such as the Isis Beamer or the other energetic pendants. The Christus-Card is energetically charged for a few weeks with the Weber-Isis® orgone beamer 1:3.
Please also see our notes
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1 Review
sehr sehr zufrieden
Die Karte ist der Knaller. Bin sehr sehr zufrieden. Top Preisleistung. Danke Herr Weber