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Weber-Isis® Tensor II (gold-plated)

One-handed rod and energetic testing device with cable and probe in wooden box.

€222.00 * €259.00 * 14% Saved

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  • SW10173
  Eckhard Weber One of my intentions was to save energy while dowsing. Such a run is... more
Product information "Weber-Isis® Tensor II (gold-plated)"


Eckhard Weber

One of my intentions was to save energy while dowsing. Such a run is very exhausting, many dowsers often have sleeping disorders. I wanted to develop a device that does more than its actual task, that can even prevent the user from losing energy while working!


Weber-Isis® Tensor II

Weber-Isis® Tensor II, with cable and scanning probe 


The interaction of geometric form radiation and the inner construction of rock crystal spheres, quartz sand and a gold spiral prevents the device from being charged with external energy. This construction also achieves my goal that the dowser can work without energy loss.


The handle is comparable to the Weber-Horus rod. It can be used as a transmitter. Blockages or excess energy in the body can be diverted or chakras can be harmonized via cable and probe. When enough energy has been discharged, the oscillation of the device stops. You can see and feel all this! Nevertheless, I must again point out that there is no medical or scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the Isis Tensor. However, I personally consider it to be very effective. It can be used to test - and achieve - many things. For example, the Isis Tensor can be very practical for food allergy sufferers. I recommend the device to beginners as well as professionals.


With the Weber Isis Tensor you have an instrument that will give you a lot of information about your environment, food, substances, etc. after a short practice phase. The Weber-Isis-Tensor works similar to a dowsing rod or a pendulum, but reacts much finer. The correct handling requires some practice. Therefore, read these application instructions at your leisure.


For your first attempt with the Isis Tensor, you should be in a good energetic condition to achieve meaningful results.


We therefore recommend 

  • Wearing light cotton clothing

  • Take off all closed metal circles such as chains, bracelets, watches and belts

  • Finding a place free of disturbances.

  • to strengthen the body's own energy field, wearing a Weber Isis Vitalon or the Weber Isis Cross

  • Putting away purses 

As soon as you have mastered the use of the Isis Tensor, you will achieve optimal results in any situation, in any clothing, in any place.


Due to the geometric shape of the tensor tip of both the Isis Tensor I and the Isis Tensor II and the special filling in the handle of both tensors, it is prevented from absorbing foreign energies. Therefore, no energetic cleaning is necessary and the Weber Isis Tensor can be used by other people if necessary. The special geometric shape, a twisted gold spiral on which 7 rock crystal balls are mounted, as well as the programmed quartz sand and the natural cotton inside also ensure that the tester does not suffer any loss of energy when working with the Weber-Isis-Tensor.


Weber Isis Tensor II Ring

Weber-Isis-Tensor I + II - Tensor Ring


Weber Isis Tensor II Grip

Weber-Isis-Tensor II - Handle


Preparation of the 1st measurement

Avoid all interfering factors, otherwise no interfering fields can be displayed. Stand relaxed and upright. Hold the Isis Tensor firmly in your hand (right-handed person on the right, left-handed person on the left). Hold the Isis-Tensor horizontally and completely still. Always keep visual contact with the tensor ring. The Isis tensor ring is polarized, i.e. the corrugated side is minus pole, the smooth side plus pole. Men should observe the minus pole (fluted) side, women the plus pole (smooth) side.


Concentrate on your desire to become sensitive to the vibrations to be made visible by the reaction of the Isis Tensor, and mentally ask yourself the question, "Are there interference fields present?" While doing this, observe the tensor ring. Wait until the tensor ring moves on its own, i.e. without being influenced by you at will. With beginners it often takes 30 to 60 seconds until a reaction appears. If there is no reaction the first time, don't be discouraged!


Localization of the 7 chakra system


Examples of questions:

  • Is there harmful geopathic  radiation exposure?
  • Is the electrical wiring in the house radiating?
  • Is this harmful to me?

There are no limits to your research. You will receive a clear answer to every question.

The interpretation of the first measurement in the investigation of geopathic interference fields


The tip moves vertically bobbing from top to bottom (like a head nod) see fig. 1

  •   Answer: Yes, one or more interference fields are present! 

The tip moves horizontally oscillating from left to right (like a head shake) see Fig. 2

  •    Answer: No, there are no interference fields! 

The tip rotates left  around (counterclockwise)

  •    Answer: Two questions are answered at the same time. 
  1. Yes, there are interference fields
  2. They are predominantly of a left-turning nature, i.e. they belong to the yin pole, or the (-) pole. 

The tip rotates right  around (clockwise)

  •   Answer: Two questions are answered at the same time.
  1. Yes, interference fields are present.
  2. They are predominantly of a clockwise nature, i.e. to be assigned to the yang pole, or the (+) pole.


If none of the two rotations show up in your first attempt, your question was not clear enough into the subconscious. Please keep trying until a clear "yes" or "no" comes out. Only then ask the question about the direction of rotation of the interference.


Investigating interference fields in household appliances

Now that you basically know how to proceed, you can use the same questioning technique to find out what kind of interference it actually is.    Just as you can detect interference fields from the earth, you can also investigate electrical devices such as television sets, PCs, electric typewriters, digital clocks, power sockets, etc. Stand as close as possible in front of the object to be examined and  hold the tensor ring in front of it at a distance of centimetres. Now ask the question, "Is there an interference field?" The interference factor can be found out exactly in the manner described above. Test objects at a distance of a few meters, e.g. with TV sets this should work without any problems.


Checking foodstuffs/substances for compatibility

As described above, foodstuffs can also be tested for their compatibility. Question: "Is this food good for me?"One method of finding out whether a particular food or stimulant is tolerable for a person is to place that substance on a table and hold one hand open vertically about 30 cm in front of the substance. Stand so that the tensor ring is between the hand and the substance, and ask the question, "Is this substance good for me?" The answer in this test looks a little different: The Isis tensor moves vertically up and down Answer: in this case, the movement represents "separation." The substance is not compatible.



The Isis tensor moves vertically up and down

  • Answer: In this case, the movement represents "separation". The substance is not compatible.

The Isis tensor moves horizontally back and forth

  • Answer: this movement <------> represents "connection", so the substance is compatible. This query can also be made for third parties.


Isis-Tensor II with cable and probe

Tensor II: Dimensions handle: 14.46 cm x 1.5 cm, polished and gold-plated Tensor ring: 2.2 cm x 2 mm brass, gold-plated Total length: 57.84 cm and spring steel wire Handle, tensor ring and probe gold-plated 57.84 cm=8 x 7.23 cm Wavelength of the cosmic key.



The spring steel wire of the Weber Isis tensor has been tested at 70Kp (kilo-pont) and two hours of continuous rotation. Nevertheless, please be careful not to rotate the Weber Isis Tensor too much or the wire above the handle may break. The strength of the rotation has nothing to do with the significance and can be programmed mentally more gently. Should the spring steel wire nevertheless break within half a year after purchase, we will repair it free of charge. Afterwards for a small fee! Why don't you test household chemicals or foodstuffs you know for sure to be intolerant, e.g. white sugar, cigarettes, coffee, chocolate, etc., in this way? You can rely on your subconscious mind to answer you absolutely honestly. However, don't let it spoil your fun! You should know, however, that vegetables treated with artificial fertilizers have a different energetic signature than organic vegetables. 


Possible applications of the Isis-Tensor II with cable and the scanning probe

All the above-mentioned tests can also be carried out with the cable and the scanning probe belonging to the Weber Isis-Tensor II. For this purpose, the minus-pole end of the cable (black) is plugged into the handle of the Isis-Tensor and the plus-pole end (red) into the round brass scanning probe (ø 3 cm). The probe is now held against the object or substance to be tested. In this way, energy blockages or disturbances on one's own body or on the body of another person can be detected. Excess energy can be discharged with the help of the cable by holding the end of the cable with the probe on the affected part of the body and giving the mental command: "Discharge the excess energy! The Weber Isis Tensor II then begins to rotate (usually alternating left and right). When the Isis Tensor comes to a standstill on its own, the process is finished. This process is now described in more detail.


Application example for working with the Weber Isis Tensor II:

The following is now a practical example of how you can probably work very effectively with the Isis Tensor I and II. This example should inspire you to further research of your own. There are basically no limits to the energetic work with the Isis Tensor I and II.


Step No. 1: Testing the energetic state of the chakras on a person.

For the example I will now explain to you, a tester with the Isis Tensor I or Isis Tensor II is required, as well as a test person. For the following process, the test person should, if possible, take off all metal objects such as rings, belts with metal buckles, bracelets and necklaces, energetic pendants as well as the wallet incl. identity card, as these always cause an interfering vibration and sometimes make it difficult for the tester to achieve an optimal test result. Mobile phones should also not be within reach and should be switched off for this procedure.


For the type of work that now follows, the tester should stand with his back against the wall so that even with his eyes closed it is ensured that the tester cannot fall over backwards. The tester begins the work with the Isis Tensor I or II by asking the test person about the energetic state of the seven main chakras. The tester begins the process at the root chakra and holds the tensor in the direction of the chakra. The tester now asks mentally or verbally if the chakra is open. The Isis Tensor I or II can now begin to respond with movements or rotations. It is up to the tester to now intuitively interpret the movements of the Isis Tensor. The Isis tensor serves as an indicator. If the Isis-Tensor starts to rotate clockwise to the right, then the answer can mean: yes, the chakra is open. By the intensity of the deflection of the Isis-Tensor the tester can now recognize the energetic state of the chakra and can now draw conclusions about whether and to what extent the chakra is open - or not. If the Isis-Tensor moves only in small circular movements and comes to a standstill again after a short time or if the tensor turns left - or does not move at all, then the chakra is probably energetically blocked. The general flow of forces in this chakra is then probably very weak. If the Isis tensor rotates in a diameter of 30 - 35 cm, then the chakra is probably fully developed and in a good energetic state. However, these queries are always just a snapshot! We will not go into the alternating left or right rotation of the individual chakras in a man and in a woman at this point. This is too extensive a subject to be dealt with here in brief. However, the reader can find a wealth of helpful literature on it in the market. By inquiring about the energetic state of the chakra, the tester can thus also draw conclusions as to the states of the corresponding areas of the physical body. The tester should also ask the test person whether he or she may have a functional problem in individual regions of the body, possibly with an organ or a gland. An overview of the assignment of the chakras to the possible functions of the corresponding regions, glands and organs of the body can be found on the back of this brochure.


Testing of the energetic state

Step No. 1: Testing the energetic state of the chakras on a person.


After testing the energetic state of the first chakra (1. the root chakra), the tester repeats the same procedure on the test person for all other main chakras: 2. the sacral chakra, then 3. the solar plexus chakra, 4 . the heart chakra, then 5 . the throat chakra, then 6. the forehead chakra, and 7. finally the crown chakra. We are also aware that the human being probably has numerous secondary chakras, but for this basic work as it is described here, we believe that the process we have described for the seven main chakras is sufficient. All organs in the body are probably energetically connected to the main chakras, and if one stimulates the flow of life energy in the main chakras, energetic, physical as well as psychological blockages in all regions of the body can probably be dissolved.


Step #2: clearing excess energies, negative vibrations and blockages from the chakras.

After the energetic state of all seven main chakras has been checked and a picture of the energetic state of the test person has been obtained, step no. 2 follows. For this, the Weber Isis Tensor II with the additional cable and the scanning probe are required. The black end of the cable is connected to the handle of the Isis-Tensor II, and the red end of the cable is connected to the gold-plated scanning probe. We now proceed as in step 1, starting with the root chakra. The test person now holds the sensing probe to the root chakra (if necessary, clamp the sensing probe between the legs). Excess energies or negative subtle vibrations in the chakra can be discharged if the tester now mentally or verbally gives the command: "I discharge excess energies as well as negative vibrations and blockages from the area of the root chakra from body, mind and soul - and I transform them into light & love". It may be beneficial in this work for the tester to also visualize the violet flame that supports this process of transformation. The tester can alternatively release the excess energies as well as the negative subtle vibrations from this area to Mother Earth. The Isis Tensor II can now begin to vibrate alternately to the left and to the right, possibly also diagonally or like a rosette (as shown, for example, on the cover of this brochure). Totally different swinging patterns are possible. These many different fine-matter swinging-pattern are not to classify. It is not possible to assign exactly to which level all the different vibrations belong. So do not be irritated by the diversity of the vibration patterns that the Isis Tensor II makes, and just continue the process.


Important information:

Since the vibrations of the tensor can become very strong, we recommend that the tester hold the tensor with both hands. It is also possible to mentally program the vibrations of the Isis Tensor II so that the vibration patterns become somewhat softer in deflection. While the Isis Tensor II is vibrating and probably discharging the negative energies and vibrations, it is best to hold the tensor in the direction of a window or in the direction of the earth - and in no case directed towards other people, animals, plants or even food. It could be assumed that otherwise the vibrations could be transferred to them. Some clairvoyant people can perceive these negative subtle vibrations and energetic blockages as dark clouds. The tester should not deliberately interrupt the above-mentioned process, but wait until the Isis Tensor II comes to a standstill of its own accord after some time. This can take up to a few minutes per chakra, depending on the blockage present or the possible dysfunction. In the case of some serious and deep-seated blockages, this process can also take up to 10 minutes. The test person can also mentally accompany this process by opening up to the process and mentally accompanying the process. However, this is not absolutely necessary as the tester mainly controls the process. When the presumed excess energies as well as the negative subtle vibrations and energetic blockages have probably been discharged, the Isis Tensor II comes to rest again on its own. This is done in order not to drain the test person's life energy unnecessarily. On the back of this brochure in the illustration of the possible light body by the artist Alex Grey, you can see that the human being probably has numerous secondary chakras,


Draining of energy blockages


Step number two:

Draining energy blockages (cleansing and harmonizing the chakras) see description

in the section: "Application example for working with the Weber Isis Tensor II"


such as on all joints. The tester can also start there with the test person, if possible blockages should still show up there. But here too, the seven main chakras should first be treated in the four steps described here. After treating the root chakra as

one continues to treat the other 6 main chakras in ascending order in exactly the same way.

Step No. 3: the infusion of positive information into the chakras. The purified seven main chakras must now be stabilized. Here, too, the test person should continue to lean with his back against the wall so that tipping over can be avoided. The test person should now close his eyes. The tester should ask the test person whether they are able to imagine colours internally. It is always important in this work to actively involve the subject in the whole process. We begin the possible stabilization process of the chakras again at the root chakra. While the tester now consciously holds the Isis Tensor I or II in the direction of the root chakra, he now mentally or verbally gives the order: "I introduce red colour into the root chakra!". The subject should, if this is possible, imagine that red color is being initiated into the root chakra. If the subject is not able to imagine this, it is also sufficient if the subject mentally or verbally says the sentence to himself: "I initiate red color into the root chakra!", or: "I would like red color to be initiated into the root chakra."


Swinging in of colors or information


Step #3:

Initiating colors or information (e.g. Bach flowers) into the tester's aura or chakras.

For this the tester takes the Weber-Isis-Tensor II in one hand and in the other hand the scanning probe with the Bach flower.

Now the tester mentally gives the command: "Transfer the information (e.g. Bach flower) to the test person".

The Isis tensor then begins to rotate. If it stops, the process is finished.

In step 3 the Isis-Tensor II has a similar function as a hand-held orgone radiator (e.g. the horn wand).


Alternatively, the tester can choose a slightly different variant in work step 3. Fig. 3 shows graphically above how the tester can possibly resonate with the test person with a different information than the color explained above. Here the tester takes the Isis-Tensor II in the right hand (this procedure is only possible with the Isis-Tensor II with additional cable and the gold-plated scanning probe), and the scanning probe (with cable connected to the Tensor II) in the left hand. In addition, the tester holds a possibly important positive information for the test person in the left hand; this can be e.g. a small bottle of Aura Soma, a chakra oil, a certain gemstone such as a rock crystal, a certain chakra stone, a Bach flower information or also a handwritten positive affirmation on a piece of paper. Now the tester gives the command mentally or verbally: "Transfer the information into the chakra of the test person". The Isis Tensor II now begins to rotate again. When the Isis Tensor II comes to rest again after some time, the process is finished. The Isis Tensor II can have a very similar function as a hand-held orgone emitter (such as the Weber Horus Wand). The process just described, whether only with the corresponding main color assigned to the chakra or with the additional information such as the Bach flowers, is repeated by the tester with the test person analogously and in ascending order with the other remaining six main chakras. The tester then uses the following colors in ascending order for the chakras when tuning in for the test person:


  1. Root Chakra: Red

  2. Sacral Chakra: Orange

  3. Solar pelxus chakra: yellow

  4. Heart chakra: Green

  5. Throat chakra: Light blue

  6. Brow Chakra: Indigo

  7. Crown Chakra: Violet


Step No. 4: Testing the energetic state of the chakras after the energetic treatment.

Step No. 4 (also possible with the Isis Tensor I) consists of testing all seven main chakras again for their current energetic state, starting at the root chakra and working upwards from the bottom. The tester can ask mentally or verbally: "Is the chakra now completely open?" "What is the percentage of life energy now after the chakras have been treated?" The Isis Tensor I or II may begin to vibrate again and will now indicate, as a rule, possibly a very changed condition of the chakras compared with Step 1. The tester can now see if and how which chakra has reacted to the possible subtle treatment and how far it has now opened. The whole process is now finished for the time being. For the moment and under the given circumstances, the tester has probably reached the optimal energetic state. If a chakra has not yet reached 100% of the desired possible state for the moment, the process should not be repeated immediately. We recommend repeating the procedure after about a week, so that the test person has enough time to get used to the presumably changed subtle energy level. The tester and the test person can now talk about the process. The tester can, for example, ask how the test person experienced the process, whether any colours could be seen internally, whether light could be seen, whether a feeling of warmth or possible relief could be felt in certain parts of the body that are assigned to the individual chakras, or whether the test person possibly had any other perception. This probably usually helps the tester for future treatments, to deepen certain sections in the process outlined above, and to provide further focus. I recommend that any therapist, prior to any possible treatment or self application with the Weber-Isis orgone emitter, perform the above explained process completely on a subject. After the possible treatment described above (the possible opening of the chakras) a person can probably only really absorb the life energy. One can also carry out the process explained above with the Isis Tensor II on oneself. This requires some practice, but can be easily learned within a short time. In this case, work step no. 3 can also be carried out with the Horus rod. If you want to carry out work step no. 4 for yourself, then this is only possible with the Isis Tensor II.

Testing the energetic state....

Step No. 4: Testing the energetic state of the chakras after the energetic treatment.


The task and function of the chakras

The seven main chakras, which lie along a vertical axis at the front center of the body, are so crucial to the function of the most basic and essential areas of the human body, mind and spirit that I have dedicated a separate chapter to each of them on the back cover. There you can read about the specific soul-spiritual characteristics associated with each chakra and which areas of the body are subject to their influence. Here I would first like to describe those characteristics which are common to the seven main chakras. Their actual seat is in the etheric body of the human being. They resemble funnel-shaped calyxes with a different number of petals. In the Asian region they are therefore often called lotuses. The subdivisions of the flowers into individual petals represent the energy channels through which energies flow into the chakras and are transmitted from there to the subtle bodies. Their number ranges from four such channels in the root chakra to nearly a thousand energy channels in the crown chakra. From the depression in the center of each calyx, a fine channel, which acts like the stem of the chakra flower, extends toward the spine and runs directly into it. It connects the chakras to the main energy channel called the sushumna, which rises through the interior of the spine and continues from the lowest vertebra of the spine to the crown. The chakras are in a constant circular motion. They owe the name "chakra" to this characteristic, which means "wheel" in Sanskrit. The rotating movement of these wheels causes life energy to be drawn into the interior of the chakras. If the direction of rotation changes outward, energy is radiated from the chakras and expelled. The chakras have either a right-hand or a left-hand rotation. An opposite principle can be seen in man and woman, or a complement in the expression of the different energies, because the same chakras that turn right in a man turn left in a woman - and vice versa. The direction of rotation changes from chakra to chakra. Thus, the base chakra of the man rotates to the right, he more actively expresses the qualities of this center. The first chakra of the woman, on the other hand, shows a left-hand rotation, which makes her more receptive to the invigorating and procreative power of the earth. In the second chakra the signs change: The right-hand rotation in the woman shows a greater active power in the expression of feelings, the left-hand rotation in the man makes him take a more receiving or often passive attitude here.


And so it goes on: right-handed rotation and left-handed rotation alternate in each case and shape man and woman in different ways, which leads to a complementing of energies in every area of life.


The Chakras

The 7 chakras open forward and backward and upward and downward on the human body.

Adapted from a graphic in "The Chakra Handbook", published by Windpferd-Verlag, ISBN: 3-89385-038-4 


The chakras can be activated and stimulated by means of the Isis-Tensor by irradiating them selectively and thereby stimulating their activity in the areas assigned to them. This is possible through the additional irradiation of gemstones, colors, aura-soma, etc. as described on pages 4-6.


7 chakras 

1.The Root Chakra:

  • Color: An active first chakra glows a fiery red

  • Physical Associations: All solid things, such as the spine, bones, teeth and nails; anus, rectum, large intestine, rectum, prostate, blood and cell structure.

  • Assigned glands: The adrenal glands produce adrenaline and noradrenaline, which have the task of adjusting the blood circulation to the respective need by controlling the blood distribution. In this way, the body becomes ready for action and can react immediately to demands. In addition, the adrenal glands have a dominant influence on the temperature balance in the body.


2. Sacral Chakra:

  • Color: Orange.

  • Physical assignments: Pelvic cavity, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder; all fluid such as blood, lymph, digestive juices, semen.

  • Assigned glands: ovaries, prostate, testes. The function of the gonads is the formation of male and female sexual characteristics and the regulation of the female cycle.


3. The solar plexus chakra:

  • Color: Yellow to golden yellow.

  • Physical assignment: Lower back, abdominal cavity, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder; autonomic nervous system.

  • Assigned gland: Pancreas (liver). The pancreas plays a crucial role in the processing and digestion of food. It secretes the hormone insulin, which is crucial for blood sugar balance and carbohydrate metabolism. The enzymes secreted by the pancreas are important for fat and protein metabolism.


4. Heart Chakra:

  • Color: Green, also pink and gold.

  • Physical assignment: Heart, upper back with rib cage and thoracic cavity, lower lung area, blood and circulatory system, skin.

  • Assigned gland: thymus gland. The thymus gland regulates growth and controls the lymphatic system. It is also responsible for stimulating and strengthening the immune system.


5. Throat Chakra:

  • Color: Light blue, also silvery and greenish-blue.

  • Physical assignment: throat, neck, jaw area, ears, speech apparatus (voice), trachea, bronchi, upper lung area, esophagus, arms. -

  • Assigned gland: thyroid gland. The thyroid gland plays an important role in the growth of the skeleton and internal organs. It balances physical and mental growth and regulates metabolism and thus the manner and rate at which we convert our food into energy and consume that energy. It also regulates iodine metabolism and the balance of calcium in the blood and tissues.


6. Brow Chakra:

  • Color: Indigo blue, also yellow and violet

  • Physical assignment: face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum, central nervous system.

  • Assigned gland: Pituitary gland (hypophysis). The pituitary gland is sometimes called the "master gland" because it controls the function of all other glands through its internal secretory activity. Like a conductor, it establishes a harmonious interplay between the other glands.


7. The crown chakra:

  • Color: Violet, also white and gold.

  • Physical assignment: Cerebrum

  • Assigned gland: Pineal gland (pineal gland). The influences of the pineal gland are not clearly explained scientifically. Most likely it has an effect on the whole organism. If this gland fails, premature sexual maturity sets in.


The texts on the chakras are excerpts from "Das Chakra-Handbuch" published by Windpferd-Verlag: ISBN 3-89385-038-4



Physical energy field with the 7-point chakra system, meridians and acupuncture points.

Copyright © 1990 by Alex Grey Published by Arrangement with Inner Traditions

International Ltd. Copyright © 1996 for the German edition and translation

by Zweitausendeins P.O. Box D-60381 Frankfurt am Main Sacred Mirrors ISBN 3-86150-159-7 






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